So last week I told you that I had got myself a seat stand as I wanted everything to be set up for when I start "So many books so little time" and I wanted to test it out one Siberian gold to see if I like it.
Well the answer is that I love it, it makes stitching so much easier and I am more comfortable as I dont have to hold the frame anymore :-)
In just a couple of hours the first day I had it this was my progress of Siberian Gold :-)
I managed all of the blue and a little of the grey!
So I am now a big fan of stands :-)
My second change is my method of stitching... with my HAED after gridding the fabric I realised that stitching one colour at a time as I have been doing with Siberian gold was not going to work unless I only stitched one page at a time, but the idea of digging through the piece towards the end of every page filling in the confetti was not so appealing. As I want this project to be perfect I decided to research different methods and discovered "Parking" Inititally I was skeptical and thought that it looked messy (I hate when my stitching looks disorganised - a major reason that I remove threads from presorted kits onto bobbins is I dont like the threads being tangled) But I thought there was no harm in having a go... if I hated it then I hadnt lost anything than maybe a couple of hours.... so on friday I had a go starting in the top left corner of Siberian gold

After an evening of stitching I had done about 200 stitches, slowly but then I was using a method that was very different from my usual stitching... I enjoyed it but wasnt completely convinced...
So on saturday morning I set myself up to give it another go, I decided that if I didnt love it after that then I would leave it and go back to one colour at a time, so I started stitching at about 9am and after a few hours I decided to stop for something to eat... I was amazed to see that 4 hours had passed and that I had been so completely absorbed in my stitching, the parking was a lot quicker and with every 10x10 block I was eager to move on to the next... it was so addictive and there was a small sense of achievement with every block... this was the progress on saturday.
So now I am a very different stitcher than the one who began this blog in February, back then I was a one WIP at a time stitcher who enjoyed working one colour at a time... now I have multiple projects and love the parking method... seems strange that it has happened so quickly.
So my progress so far after another stitch fueled day yesterday is almost 1500 stitches in 3 days... for me that is huge and I cant wait to get back to it... Roll on the weekend :-)
For the rest of the week I will be focusing on my crochet and getting as much as I can done on the baby blanket.
The sooner I get it finished the sooner that the OH will let me start So many books... also the baby is due in June so I need to get it finished by the end of the month.
Happy stitching all x